Written by Manvitha Doma
Graduate and undergraduate students can take advantage of free tutoring services at the Willis Library. Both the UNT Writing Center and Learning Center have teamed up with Willis Library to provide as much assistance to students as possible with the purpose of assisting students in achieving their academic and professional goals.

Writing Center:
During my time as a Graduate Services Assistant, I often send students to the writing center for assistance with references and citations after I have assisted them. Common issues like grammar, punctuation, citation styles, personal statements and more can all be addressed by our Writing Center’s qualified tutors. Appointments can be made in person or online, depending on your preference. We also have graduate tutors that specifically assist students pursuing master’s degrees and Ph.D.’s with their academic writing. With their help, you will learn skills to improve your writing ability. In order to get the most out of your tutoring session, it is important to let them know what you hope to accomplish during your time together.
Is there anything you need help with, but you cannot make it to the Writing Lab? You should not be concerned, as they provide both in-person and online appointment options. Zoom video conference software is used for online tutoring sessions. If both parties have Internet access, students and tutors can mark up and share papers while conversing in real time. Students can discuss research papers and ask questions from the comfort of their own homes or any other location with a reliable internet connection thanks to these online offerings. Tutoring sessions for undergraduate and graduate students are one hour long. In many cases, it is best for students to go as early as possible in the writing process. Tutors can assist writers better comprehend the project, clarify their thoughts more clearly, and establish an outline before they begin writing. However, it is important to realize that it is impossible to become a great writer in one session. While it is nice to see a draft improve right away, the actual growth for a writer comes with practice.
If you are unsure about your writing skills, the Writing Center is a valuable resource that you should take advantage of, though writers of all skill levels can benefit from early and frequent feedback from a skilled peer tutor. However, there are several ways a tutor can assist you in drafting a paper, from getting someone started to helping them revise an existing essay. When you meet with a tutor, you will be able to work on your ideas, get them in order, and improve your writing.
Learning Center:
Do you have a tough time determining whether your approach to a subject is correct? The Learning Center can assist you with understanding assignments correctly, providing alternative approaches, and can also help in clarifying concepts. To increase accessibility, tutoring is not strictly in-person, with the option of using Zoom for one-on-one tutoring. Drop-in tutoring is available, but students must make an appointment with a lead tutor for each course they need help with. Utilizing their services for either a quick question or using the full two hours are both welcome. If a student only has a quick question and does not require a full session, they can use the Ask-A-Tutor service.
Learning centers have a tutortube where students can find instructional videos on a wide range of topics, including math and science as well as arts and the humanities. Only the lead tutor for a specific course is needed to schedule an appointment with a graduate student. More services can be found on their website, so be sure to look if you are interested.
My Experience with the Learning Center:
Last semester, I had a tough time completing a class assignment that involved statistics for a rigorous 8-week course. I had to spend a lot of time on assignments that were difficult to understand, and I was under a lot of stress. While doing these assignments, I reached an answer, but I was unsure if it was correct. To my relief, my friend informed me of the services available at the Learning Center. After a few sessions with tutors, I was able to complete my assignments without further assistance.
For more information on tutoring services, you can visit https://library.unt.edu/services/tutoring/. Did this blog help you learn about the tutoring services available at Willis library? Let us know your comments! Please contact Ask Us if you have any questions about library services.
References (APA format):
Tutoring Services | Learning Center. (n.d.). Learningcenter.unt.edu. https://learningcenter.unt.edu/tutoring
UNT Writing Center. (n.d.). Writingcenter.unt.edu.
Tags: Willis Library Services, Tutoring Services, Learning Center, Writing Center
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