Powering Your Searches with Boolean Operators

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Written by: Valerie Cummins The Fall semester is well underway, and mid-term season with its exams and papers is almost here. To help get the most out of your studying and be able to find articles for midterm papers (and those soon to be appearing term papers), today’s blog post is focusing on Boolean Operators… Read more »

APA Tips and Tricks: Navigate the Labyrinth of Guidelines

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Written by: Zoë (Abbie) Teel  Introduction   As the semester kicks off, the world of APA and references might be uncharted territory for many fellow students out there. Now, as a graduate student who’s been navigating the intricacies of APA ever since my high school days, I couldn’t help but whip up a nifty guide filled… Read more »

Using Sentiment Analysis in Student Research

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Written by: Arthi Reddy Annadi As we all know, every student is typically occupied with either conducting research or making daily life decisions. We are often unsure if our work is legitimate or not and always require someone’s opinion or review. We conduct extensive research before making decisions, whether it is choosing a major for… Read more »

Information Science Databases

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Written by Lakshmi Dubey The University of North Texas contains an abundance of databases, which assists students in browsing through the best library databases for research. These databases provide access to many useful research materials ranging from articles, full text journals, abstracts, and e-books. UNT libraries has 644 databases available covering various topics, 38 of… Read more »

Databases Deep Dive:

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Posted March 28th, 2022 by Justin & filed under Research Help. Written by Omika Mishra Searching for relevant databases for your field of research can be difficult but once you reach those databases, your research can be a breeze. A library database is a searchable electronic index of credible resources that have been published. Access to a multitude of relevant research… Read more »

Tutoring Services at Willis Library

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Written by Manvitha Doma  Graduate and undergraduate students can take advantage of free tutoring services at the Willis Library. Both the UNT Writing Center and Learning Center have teamed up with Willis Library to provide as much assistance to students as possible with the purpose of assisting students in achieving their academic and professional goals. … Read more »

Tips & Tricks for identifying a trustworthy article

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Written by Justin Hall In this modern digital age, where it has become incredibly easy for anyone to post their opinions online, it can sometimes be hard for academics, specifically students, to tell which information resources are credible and fact-based. “The ubiquitous nature of the Internet enables anybody to spread false and biased information easily.” (Hansraj et al., 2021, p. 2) However, there are several clues… Read more »

Useful Tips for Finding Government Information

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Written by: Madan Mohan Did you know that government documents are a great resource that can be used for your research? The Government Publishing Office (GPO), generally known as GovPubs, has a plethora of information that produces, distributes, and provides free access to documents from the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the federal government. UNT is one of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) institutions that… Read more »

Primary vs. Secondary Sources

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Written by: Hui-Yu Hsiung When writing a research paper, you will need to consult a variety of sources of information. For some research papers, you may be required to use primary sources. What are primary sources? Sources of information are often categorized as primary and secondary sources based on their originality. Primary sources refer to… Read more »