Student Veterans and the Library

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Written by: Valerie Cummins One student population that is regularly underserved and receives little support is the student veteran population; university life and coursework is vastly different from the experiences veterans of all branches have from their time in, and joining university after military service can require a great deal of adjustment, even for veterans… Read more »


Posted by & filed under Databases and Journals, Knowledge Resources, Library Resources, Research Help.

Written by: Ashra Londa One lesser-known fact on the University Libraries homepage is that a plethora of databases are tucked under the left sidebar on the Discover site. The University of North Texas is paying for these databases for student and faculty perusal—free of charge! There are over 600 databases in total, all packed to… Read more »

Thesis & Dissertation Resources

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Written By: Abby Stovall Writing a thesis or dissertation can seem like a daunting task. Regardless of your area of study, taking on a major project can feel overwhelming and intense. However, UNT Libraries has a variety of resources graduate students can use when writing these papers. LibGuides  If you are wondering where to even… Read more »

First-generation Graduate Students and Resources

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Written by: Valerie Cummins  Today’s post is concerning first-generation university students in graduate school and goes into resources and opportunities that are available to them from the UNT Libraries.  First-generation students experience new challenges upon entering university, and many universities, including UNT, recognize this, and attempt to provide resource centers that are meant for their… Read more »

The Case for Leisure Books in Academic Libraries

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Written By: Abby Stovall Academic libraries, such as the UNT Library system, are renowned for their provision of access to millions of resources. The plethora of scholarly articles and other research materials serve to promote student success in the classroom and in their fields of study. However, maybe academic library collections are undeveloped in one… Read more »

Recent Updates to Willis Library

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Written by Sierra Dahl Willis Library has recently undergone some changes to make the library better equipped to serve students. These improvements include renovations to the building, modern furniture, new reservable spaces, and additional borrowable equipment and materials.   New Reservable Spaces  The first addition to Willis Library is study pods, reservable spaces designed for… Read more »