Access to Library Resources for Distance Learning Students

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Written By: Sarah Diaz Although distance education has existed in various forms for over a century, it has evolved rapidly in recent years due to technological advancements. The earliest type of distance education came in the form of correspondence courses, which originated in the mid 19th century for purposes of religious instruction, the teaching of… Read more »

Preserving Cultural Heritage as an Artist and Graduate Student in Photography

Posted by & filed under Careers in Librarianship, Library Resources.

Written By: Melissa Gamez-Herrera Introduction Willis Library provides many materials and services, which patrons and students may be surprised to learn exist. I am the GSA in the Digital Projects Unit of Willis Library, and I digitize primary materials for institutional partners to contribute to the Portal to Texas History. I have worked on projects… Read more »

Data-Driven Decisions in library purchase

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Written by: Sephra Byrne One of the challenges that every library from small, local public libraries to the academic libraries of large research universities face is how to spend their budget in a way that serves the most patrons. University of North Texas (UNT) Libraries are no exception to this struggle. The current purchasing budget… Read more »

Greetings from Scholar Speak Team

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Written by: Scholar Speak Team Back in January 2019, Graduate Service Assistants (GSA) at UNT Willis Library started a blog, Scholar Speak, as a medium to bridge the gap between students, patrons, and their library where we are continuing to discuss topics and events related to UNT Libraries. As of Spring 2020, Scholar Speak team… Read more »

What is Open Access?

Posted by & filed under Databases and Journals, Library Resources.

Written By: Frances Chung You may have come across the term “open access” while searching for journal articles online. Open access (OA) refers to publications that are “digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions” (Suber, 2015). On the other hand, closed access journals charge readers or their institution a… Read more »

Clearing the Air about Course Reserves

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Written by: Angela Whitfield One of the most popular materials checked out at the Library Services Desk is our course reserve collection. Mystery often swirls around the phrase “course reserve,” because it is a library term that is not used anywhere outside of academic libraries, not to mention the different rules that determine how an… Read more »


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Written by: Janelle Foster Mastering the art of proper citation is a fundamental skill in scholarly writing. Ensuring your citations are correct can be a time-consuming, tedious, and laborious task. RefWorks can make your [research paper writing] life easier! RefWorks is an online research management tool that allows you to export all your reference citations… Read more »

Welcome to Scholar Speak

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Written By: Raul Gonzalez There is a common theme among academic libraries, which is to adapt, develop, and maintain. Whether it is a new policy or technology, libraries aim to mold new tools into services for their patrons. Original items are becoming digitized, libraries are reaching farther than their walls, and cutting-edge technologies compose the growing makerspaces… Read more »