You already know we’re about history, but did you know we can help you practice your language skills as well?Cover of document with title Comanche Texts

Although the majority of items in the Portal are in English, we are developing significant holdings in other languages:

  • Spanish–5,373 items–including newspapers, maps, letters, and photographs 
  • German–814 items–including materials from the German Immigration to Texas Collection and new items in the Texas Cultures Online Collection
  • French–575 items–including resources from more than 25 different counties in Texas

We also have items in Czech, Italian, Hebrew, Latin, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Comanche, and other languages.

To find materials in a particular language, browse a collection of interest, or conduct a search for your desired topic.  When the results list opens, choose a language from the facets on the left-hand side of the screen.

screen shot showing location of language facets

You may sometimes see a choice for “no language.”  This generally refers to non-text items such as photographs and physical objects.  However, when a photograph contains “readable” text such as a banner, sign, label, or plaque, it will be assigned the language shown.  Here are some examples:

photograph of street sign in Spanish languageA Spanish-Language Photo 

photograph of a group of men surrounding a banner in the German languageA German-Language Photo

image of an Algerian bank note with one section of text in the French language

A French-Language Physical Object 

So, muchas gracias, vielen Dank, and merci beaucoup for visiting The Portal to Texas History!

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