Exploring the Edges, Pushing the Boundaries
Call for Poster & Infographic Proposals: Digital Frontiers 2017
September 21-23, 2017 | University of North Texas
Digital Frontiers is an annual conference that explores advances and new research in humanities and cultural memory through the lenses of digital scholarship, technology, and multidisciplinary discourse. The conference recognizes creativity and collaboration across academic disciplines by bringing together researchers, students, librarians, archivists, genealogists, historians, information and technology professionals, and scientists.
The Digital Frontiers program committee invites poster & infographic proposals for the 2017 conference (September 21-23). The program committee encourages imagination and originality in programming proposals and promotes the inclusion of student research. Proposals may be for:
Poster proposals should be in the form of an abstract of no more than 250 words describing the topic to be presented. Please do not submit the final poster! Further guidelines and specifications will be provided upon acceptance.
- A poster that presents a central hypothesis, research methodology, and outcomes in a clear, visually-appealing format.
- Posters should offer a general summary of your findings and main points, and may be accompanied by a brief talk.
- Recommended size 36 x 48, please include the estimated size of your submission in the proposal if it exceeds the recommended size.
Infographic submissions should include a 250 word description of the visualization including the methods, tool(s), dataset, and/or purpose, and an optional near-final version of the complete infographic if available (drafts are not required at submission).
- An infographic that offers a single, informative visual image, or series of images, that represents data or information pertinent to your central research question(s).
- The infographic should contain all of the information necessary for understanding your argument or main point.
- Recommended size no less than 600 x 600 pixels to no more than 600 x 4800 pixels.
Proposals will be peer reviewed, with final decisions made by the program committee.
The deadline for submissions is June 30, 2017. View the complete call here. Notifications will be the week of July 15th.
Please email digitalfrontiers@unt.edu if you have questions.
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