Text Generation by Markov Chains

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Markov chains are definitely one of the more interesting and fun sets of statistics you can play around with. But they are excellent in the case of text generation. So what are Markov chains and how do they work? And how can we use them to make text? Simple Markov Chains Markov chains explain the… Read more »

Programmed Comedy

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  A new chapter of Harry Potter has been making rounds in social media circles lately. However, this is Harry Potter like you’ve never experienced. This abridged version of the fifth book in the series was written using a predictive text keyboard, and the results are arguably the funniest thing you’ll ever read. 

Twitter Bot by Table

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The simplest form of Twitter bot will generate text and then post it to Twitter. Now, of course you must supply your bot with source text if you want it to generate new text. This is the basis of most bot text generation and the model that we will follow. From here, we want to… Read more »

What Are Twitter Bots and Why Do They Matter?

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Any avid internet user or enthusiast is sure to have seen of, heard of, or interacted with bots in their time between looking at memes and cat videos. Maybe even during. (CleverBot) Bots are more widespread and impactful in internet spaces than ever before. And this is especially true on platforms like Twitter, which provide easily… Read more »