Ft. Worth Stockyards: From Livestock Transportation Hub to Tourist Attraction

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Affectionately known as Cowtown, the city of Fort Worth has enjoyed a long and colorful association with cattle and livestock throughout its history. Originally a cattle driving stop along the famed Chisolm Trail, the arrival of the Texas and Pacific Railway in 1876 transformed both the city and the livestock business. Boston businessmen Greenleif Simpson… Read more »

The Model Cities Program

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In the 1960s, the times, they were a-changin’. Amidst the cultural upheavals and social movements lay two very real problems that President Lyndon B. Johnson sought to address with his Great Society Programs. Johnson’s ultimate goal was to eliminate racial injustices and poverty. Because the two often went hand-in-hand, 1966 legislation led to the creation… Read more »

The Southwest Federal Regional Council

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In 1972, President Richard Nixon (1969-1974) established Federal Regional Councils for ten different regions of the United States. The purpose of the Councils was to foster interagency communications and to strengthen relations between federal, state, and local governments. The ultimate goal was to ensure federal laws and plans were implemented under the concept of “New… Read more »