Makerspaces are a technology-focused subset of the DIY culture. Before Makerspaces, there were what are known still as “hackerspaces”, which were first organized in Germany. The idea of a physical gathering of hackers spread to the United States via interaction at a conference, and the first United States hackerspaces were founded (some still in operation) in New York City. Eventually, there came to be a division between what some hackerspaces were hosting; some stayed focused on hacking, altering electronic components for other purposes, and innovating on boards and code. Others chose to integrate other interests, with interests in design, woodcutting, sewing/textiles, metal-smithing, etc. These spaces became known by the term “makerspace”, where members could physically meet, collaborate, and work together outside of a narrow context like their jobs, single skills set, or group. Makerspaces are inherently inclusive, innovative, and educational. And a serious plus is that now people don’t have to buy and store things like giant laser cutters, CNC milling machines, and 3d printers in their homes! The original feeling of the hacker culture, that agency to play and change something, mixed with the hands-on myriad of other material and skills interests found in the DIY culture, culminating in makerspaces like the Factory at UNT!  

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