My Name is Brennen Johnson, I am a Senior majoring in Information Technology. The Factory Has allowed me to expand my horizons not just from technology related topics but tolls used in creation such as laser cutting a CNC milling. My skill is in single board computers (Raspberry Pi and Arduino), Robotics (Lego Mindstorms, Vex, Hummingbird), and Laser cutting.

Currently I am working on arcade cabinet using a raspberry pi aka the picade. First the inspiration for the project was from an instructables but some of the parts that we had on hand did not quite fit. To accommodate this the designs needed to be scaled up a bit. To cut the side pannels I used the lasercutter since some of the edges are curverd it would have been difficult to use the wood working tools we have on had. To run games on the system I used Retro pi to handle the games. This is a free software that can be installed on the raspberry pi to emulate old game consoles to enable the user to play olds games.

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