Benji, the 1974 film written, directed and produced by Joe Camp, was filmed in and around McKinney and Denton, Texas in 1973. The film features a mix breed dog who saves a brother and sister from a kidnapping after their father says the stray dog can’t live with the family.

WBAP-TV caught these wonderful behind the scenes shots of filming. Frank Inn, owner of Higgins (the original Benji) tells how he adopted Higgins from the animal shelter, and has Higgins perform some of his many tricks. The haunted house they’re filming in is located at 1104 South Tennessee St., McKinney, TX, has since been refurbished and is currently a bed and breakfast.

Higgins is considered one of the most famous dog actors of the 60s and 70s, appearing in sitcoms and movies, with Benji being his final film. Higgins’ daughter Benjean took over the role of Benji for later films

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