Emily Maher Did you know that The Soundbox at the Music Library provides high quality recording equipment that is available for checkout? This equipment is a great tool for musicians looking to update their professional recording portfolio, complete audition or competition recordings, and fulfill recording requirements for classes. Patrons can practice setting up and working… Read more »
Hae-jeen Ryou Generation Three With a sturdy foundation of choreography, vocals, and merchandise from the previous generations, the years 2012-2018/2019 represent the third generation of K-pop. During this generation, the Hallyu Wave starts to expand to the Western Hemisphere. While Western media infiltrated Korean media for decades before this time, Korean media finally reached… Read more »
Mathew Velilla (Author), Meghan Sprabary and Kristin Wolski (Editors) This blog was initially inspired by a library Subject Guide that I helped curate in the Spring of 2021. The guide is a compilation of LGBTQ+-related resources that we have in the Music Library collection at the Willis Library. As it developed, I was interested in… Read more »
Hae-jeen Ryou Generation One Through the decades, K-pop has expanded in terms of choreography, genres and merchandise. This three-part series discusses the different generations of K-pop. In the previous blog, we talked about the history of Korean music before the rise of K-pop idols. Today, we will discuss the first two generations of K-pop and… Read more »
HAE-JEEN RYOU Korean pop, better known as K-pop, has been on the rise all around the world. With more K–pop artists going on world tours and more Korean music being involved in Western music award shows, many believe K-pop is new and young. However, much like any music around the world, there is a rich… Read more »
Joseph Sioui (Wendat First Nations) With social media and the music industry now giving more autonomy to artists than before, Native American musicians have flourished with incorporating their identity into their music in recent years! Below are just eleven of the plethora of amazing Native American musical artists’ albums that I have enjoyed listening… Read more »
Mattie Tempio Introduction The sounds of rain and water are more than simple sounds: since the beginning of humanity, rain has been the center of our lives, making everything from food to electricity possible. As such an important part of world culture and human history, it has been explored by countless composers, conveyed in… Read more »
Linda Jenkins Did you know that listening to certain types of music can enhance focus and improve information retention? Your brain generates a certain amount of electricity that is displayed in the form of brain waves. The four different types of brainwaves are: Beta Beta waves are characteristic of a strongly engaged mind, this is… Read more »