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Author: Meredith Rice

I created a video of my photo-voice presentation from my capstone course, narrating the relationship between a minority movement and an outside group (namely white reactions in the face of black advocacy or success).

Posted by & filed under Race and Representation.

Author: Kristen Adair

“You can’t capture the true essence of a human with just one picture”- This quote by the interviewed man was really fitting for this topic. This man was the creator of the social media movement that challenged the media! The wrong image can paint an untrue picture about someone. The first picture that the media used when telling the story of Michael Brown suggested that he was a large, hostile, black man that was looking for trouble. Once the truth came out about who Michael truly was, friends and family who knew him blasted the media, saying that they do not know who the REAL Michael Brown was. The #iftheygunnedmedown social media movement was a product of this backlash on the media. Like the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. You can interpret so many things from a single picture, however those things may not be truthful. I think it is really important that more and more people learn about this movement and realize that there is a problem with stereotyping and the misrepresentation of the black man.

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Author: Taylor Trevino

I adapted a class presentation to make this ‘video blog’ about cybertypes and how they affect politics and daily life. This is based on Lisa Nakamura’s book “Cybertypes: Race, Ethnicity, and Identity on the Internet” and current events affecting minorities such as immigration policy, police brutality, and the Black Lives Matter movement. In this day and age, it’s especially important to analyze online media and how they impact our daily lives since the two are becoming evermore intertwined. With the growth of social media in an increasingly hostile political environment, understanding the impact of these pervasive cybertypes is especially crucial.

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Author: Kelly Taiclet

Today I will be sharing a short animation I made for my capstone course and the UNT Digital Humanities event.

In my capstone course, we are talking about race and the media – how the two are connected and how they effect each other. This animation is about racism in the American fashion industry. There is shockingly low representation of models of color in the fashion industry. I have another blog post here that talks about this more in-depth, so check that out if you are interested in more specific detail about this issue.

Anyways, here it is! If you enjoy this post, be sure to follow me so you know when I post next!

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Author: Carmen Barajas

For my video, I wanted to observe our diverse campus and create a small clip similar to an ad taking seconds of attention.
