In this series of posts, we hope to showcase some remarkable collections in the UNT Digital Library and beyond. These digital scholarship/digital humanities resources are notable for research or simply just to browse! Today’s remarkable collection is the Texas Fashion Collection.
Read moreThe Digital Frontiers Star Wars virtual conference is back for Episode II! Registration is now available for Realizing Resistance Episode II: Uncharted Galaxies. Here are a few things you should know about this year’s interdisciplinary conference.
What: Realizing Resistance Episode II: Uncharted Galaxies features Star Wars scholarship from across the disciplines. This conference explores themes of resistance and justice through the lens of the Star Wars universe. Learn more about the topics.
When: May 4 -7, 2021. The schedule is now available!
Where: Virtually
Cost: Pay-what-you’re-able. If you’re able, the suggested minimum is $50.
For updates, follow Realizing Resistance (@RealizeResist) on Twitter.
Interested? Register now!
Genealogists, historians, and digital humanities scholars, Digital Black History is a directory project to track! Get to know this notable digital history resource.

The UNT Libraries Digital Scholarship Committee would like to thank everyone who came out for our “What’s Crocking in Digital Scholarship?” event on Thursday, Nov. 22, 2019.
We had a nice turnout, great food, and lots of lively conversations about digital scholarship resources, tools, and services that we offer. Our slide show featured some of these resources, including materials in our Digital Libraries, projects done by our Portal to Texas History Research Fellows, and publication opportunities, like Unbound: A Journal of Digital Scholarship.

Day of Digital Scholarship
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Willis Library, Room 250H
9:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
See below for the schedule of events for our upcoming Day of DS!
The day will include presentations on current digital scholarship projects by UNT faculty, students, and staff, an update on our recent digital scholarship survey, lunch bites and blogging, and an opportunity to mix & mingle with scholars from a variety of disciplines who share a common interest in exploring digital media, technologies, and new forms of scholarship.
Plus, an exciting keynote at on the “Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage” project by Dr. Carolina A Villarroel and Dr. Gabriela Baeza Ventura from the Arte Público Press and the University of Houston.
After a successful 2017 media preservation project in Denton County, “Spotlight on North Texas,” is returning on May 19th, 2018 to preserve the motion picture histories of Dallas, Texas.

Author: Maristella Feustle
Many of us have been doing basic visualizations of quantitative data since elementary school, turning numerical information into charts and graphs. Somewhere along the line, most of us have also encountered Venn diagrams for visualizing conceptual relationships and attributes held in common between entities. But when we think of visualization, quantitative visualizations such as those produced by Excel are more accessible. Read more
Author: Parker Mathias
I was moved to do this project by backlash I had seen in regards to the concept of ‘digital blackface’ after the publishing of the Teen Vogue article about it, by Laura Michele Jackson, in August of 2017. I thought my circle of friends were fairly accepting and open-minded, but mostly balked at the idea that they might need to reflect on their reliance on black over-reaction and performance on the internet.
Author: Kelly Taiclet
This post is going to be much different than what I usually do. I’m going to be sharing my newest collection of fashion illustrations along with the inspiration behind them. Read more