Hi, I’m Steven. I’m a first-year media arts major and theatre minor. I’ve been working for the factory for almost four months now. I really love working at the factory. I love to work with the A/V equipment that the factory provides. I’m very well versed in Live Audio Equipment and studio recording equipment as well. I also have a strong understanding in electronics and woodworking. I was attracted to the factory from my first time touring UNT in high school. I been an avid follower of the maker community and dreamed of being able to use a maker space, but I never imagined I’d be working at one. When I learned that they had a position open I was determined. For anyone, who may be curious about maker spaces I would have to say this is the friendliest environment I’ve ever been in. All the employees are very nice and are very willing to help guide you in creating or learning something new.