Valentine’s Day seems like one of those days you either completely ignore or embrace only with that special other, but I mean, why? Remember back in elementary days when everyone gave everyone a special treat? Valentine’s day can be more than a day about romantic relationships. What about simply appreciating those we care about (chocolate, please)? Let’s face it, that’s probably the core meaning of most gift-giving holidays.

In celebration, here’s a compilation of some of the TV series at the media library who have their own obligatory Valentine’s episodes:
(just add chocolate)
The Office DVD 6426 v.3, “Valentine’s day”
Distraught Pam + February 13th hook up + Happy dance Michael

Modern Family DVD 12038 v.3, “My Funky Valentine”
Boyfriend painting + Naked under the trench coat + Awkward speaker conversation in the car

Supernatural DVD 16536 v.4, “My Bloody Valentine”
Angel eating a burger + Cupid hugs + This smile

The Simpsons DVD 3368 v.3, “I Love Lisa”
Ralph says more than 3 words + Ralph shows emotion towards another person + Creepy train

Arrested Development DVD 4111 v.2, “Marta Complex”
Michael give a love speech + Marta may be in love + Lindsay wants a divorce

So we agree that V-day is just a commercialized way of making people feel pressure to buy red and pink things right? Agreed. But that’s what Sitcoms are for, right?
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