Tuesday is National Voter Registration Day

Posted by & filed under Get Help, Local Doings, Make a Difference.

Are you registered to vote? Every year millions of Americans don’t vote, either because the registration deadline passed them by, or because they don’t know how to register. September 26, 2017 has been designated National Voter Registration Day and set aside to promote awareness of voter registration opportunities and to encourage eligible Americans to exercise this precious… Read more »

Setting Free the Documents

Posted by & filed under Data about Databases, Get Help, Make a Difference.

One of the most interesting government information sites originates neither from a government agency nor from a depository library. Free Government Information (FGI) is a private, non-governmental project for encouraging interaction and consensus building among libraries, government agencies, non-profits, researchers, journalists, and others who have an interest in promoting and preserving free and permanent access… Read more »

Tuesday is National Voter Registration Day

Posted by & filed under Local Doings, Make a Difference, Special Days.

Are you registered to vote? Every year millions of Americans don’t vote, either because the registration deadline passed them by, or because they don’t know how to register. September 27, 2016 has been designated National Voter Registration Day and set aside to promote awareness of voter registration opportunities and to encourage eligible Americans to exercise… Read more »

Parity for Women is the Theme for International Women’s Day 2016

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Observations commemorating the contributions of women to society and culture and encouraging support for women’s equality and other civil rights first emerged out of the early 20th century labor movement in North America and across Europe. In 1975, which the UN had designated International Women’s Year (IWY), March 8 was designated International Women’s Day (in… Read more »

Super Tuesday is Almost Here

Posted by & filed under Get Help, Local Doings, Make a Difference, Special Days.

Are you concerned about the economy, climate change, energy sources, gun control, violence involving the police, health care, privacy, data security, education, immigration, foreign policy, racism, religious freedom? In the coming months you will have an opportunity to make your voice heard by questioning, supporting, and electing the government officials who will be making decisions… Read more »

Take Advantage of National Voter Registration Day and Exercise Your Right to Vote

Posted by & filed under Get Help, Keeping Tabs, Local Doings, Make a Difference, Special Days.

Today is National Voter Registration Day. If you are not yet registered to vote, take this special opportunity to prepare so that you will be eligible to participate in the next election. Two Denton County deputized voter registrars, Robbie Sittel and Julie Leuzinger, will be registering new Denton County voters, helping with changes of address, providing… Read more »