March 2 Is Texas Independence Day

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  On a cold first day of March in 1836, even as a handful of brave Texas were desperately fending off General Santa Anna and his troops at the Alamo, a convention of delegates sent by the provisional Texas government huddled in an unfinished building in Washington (today better known as Washington-on-the-Brazos), where by the… Read more »

Enrich Your Summertime Reading with These Suggestions from the NEH

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If you or your children are looking for reading material to keep you entertained and informed during the summer months while school is out, the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) has some excellent suggestions. In 1988 the NEH requested supplemental reading lists from public and private schools in every state, then selected sixty of… Read more »

These Love Letters of the Presidents Will Put You in the Mood for Valentine’s Day

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The missives of love and courtship collected in a president’s personal papers often reveal a more intimate, more tender side of their personalities than what is displayed in their often seemingly dispassionate official public personae. Here are a few collections of love letters of American presidents available at the UNT Libraries or on the Internet…. Read more »

Tuesday is National Voter Registration Day

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Are you registered to vote? Every year millions of Americans don’t vote, either because the registration deadline passed them by, or because they don’t know how to register. September 27, 2016 has been designated National Voter Registration Day and set aside to promote awareness of voter registration opportunities and to encourage eligible Americans to exercise… Read more »

Parity for Women is the Theme for International Women’s Day 2016

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Observations commemorating the contributions of women to society and culture and encouraging support for women’s equality and other civil rights first emerged out of the early 20th century labor movement in North America and across Europe. In 1975, which the UN had designated International Women’s Year (IWY), March 8 was designated International Women’s Day (in… Read more »

Tweet Your Love for the Eagle Commons Library

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Have you had any memorable encounters with the Eagle Commons Library Government Information Connection? During the entire month of February, the Government Publishing Office (GPO) will be tweeting fun facts and information about the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP), and we invite our patrons to join in the celebration. Send a shout-out to your depository… Read more »

Super Tuesday is Almost Here

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Are you concerned about the economy, climate change, energy sources, gun control, violence involving the police, health care, privacy, data security, education, immigration, foreign policy, racism, religious freedom? In the coming months you will have an opportunity to make your voice heard by questioning, supporting, and electing the government officials who will be making decisions… Read more »

A Cornucopia of Government Resources on Native Americans

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In 1990 President George H. W. Bush approved a joint resolution designating November 1990 “National American Indian Heritage Month.” Similar proclamations, under variants on the name (including “Native American Heritage Month” and “National American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month”) have been issued each year since 1994. Most recently, President Obama issued a presidential proclamation… Read more »

Take Advantage of National Voter Registration Day and Exercise Your Right to Vote

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Today is National Voter Registration Day. If you are not yet registered to vote, take this special opportunity to prepare so that you will be eligible to participate in the next election. Two Denton County deputized voter registrars, Robbie Sittel and Julie Leuzinger, will be registering new Denton County voters, helping with changes of address, providing… Read more »

Celebrate Constitution Day 2015 with the UNT Honors College and the UNT Libraries

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In commemoration of the initial signing of the United States Constitution on September 17, 1786, Congress has designated September 17 of each year as Constitution Day. All schools that receive federal funds have been charged with providing educational programming related to the Constitution on or near September 17. As part of the UNT celebration, the… Read more »