Contribution Corner: Small World

Posted by & filed under Board Games.

Ratmen, Trolls, Elves, and Sorcerers: What do they all have in common? They want to rule the world! Only, the world is small after all (please no singing…). When one race expands, another must fall. Small World, by Days of Wonder, takes place in a realm where every intelligent species vies for power in a… Read more »

Obligatory V-Day Blog

Posted by & filed under Television Recommendations.

Valentine’s Day seems like one of those days you either completely ignore or embrace only with that special other, but I mean, why? Remember back in elementary days when everyone gave everyone a special treat? Valentine’s day can be more than a day about romantic relationships. What about simply appreciating those we care about (chocolate,… Read more »

Contribution Corner: Vault Wars

Posted by & filed under Board Games.

Every year, the UNT Libraries are graced with numerous patrons and donors that drive our work in supporting the student community in more ways than we can count. Bi-weekly, here on Contribution Corner, we will acknowledge one patron by exploring one of their donated games or movies. This week, our game of choice is:  … Read more »