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Written by Sierra Dahl

Willis Library has recently undergone some changes to make the library better equipped to serve students. These improvements include renovations to the building, modern furniture, new reservable spaces, and additional borrowable equipment and materials.  

New Reservable Spaces 

The first addition to Willis Library is study pods, reservable spaces designed for individual study or studying in pairs. These pods are soundproof, include furniture such as chairs and tables, and have electrical outlets. The pods are located on the lower, second, and fourth levels.  

These spaces are convenient for students who prefer more silence when studying. In addition to the pods, on the first floor, there are One Button Studio Spaces, three rooms designed to record video or audio. Pods and One Button Studio Spaces can be booked on the Space Reservations page and the spaces can be reserved for up to two hours each day by currently enrolled students.  

Photo of study pods located on the second floor of Willis Library
Pods located on the second floor of Willis Library Image by UNT Libraries 

New Accessibility Equipment and Materials  

There are new offerings of equipment and materials that can be checked out at the Willis Library Service Desk. This collection is called the Willis Library Services Desk Equipment Collection and can be browsed on the Willis Library Services Desk Equipment webpage (UNT Libraries, 2022c). The accessibility portion of this collection includes sensory items and other items that may be of particular interest to those with accommodation needs (UNT Libraries, 2022a). Specific items include C-Pen Readers, magnifiers, assistive listening devices, sensory items, and calculators. Items in this collection are available to any individual with an unblocked UNT Library account.  

Photo of LED page magnifier
LED Page Magnifier Image by UNT Libraries 

New Curriculum Equipment and Materials  

The curriculum portion of the Willis Library Services Desk Equipment Collection includes items that support learning and study (UNT Libraries, 2022b). Specific items in this collection include supply kits, calculators, language flashcards, an electronic translator, a desk light, and a book stand. 

Photo of Japanese Kanji flash cards
Japanese Kanji Flash Card Image by UNT Libraries

Digitization of General Course Reserves 

Course reserves are also being made accessible online to allow better availability to all students. Physical materials in general reserves, which are offered every semester, have been replaced whenever possible by online copies. This change helps to increase access to materials by no longer requiring students to come to Willis Library in person to borrow the course reserves they need. 

Space Renovations and New Furniture  

Additionally, there have been building updates such as bathroom renovations and the addition of modern furniture. This new furniture includes more individual study furniture and height-adjustable desks located on every floor. The desks can easily be converted from seated to standing desks by pressing the red lever located on each desk’s right side.  

Two photos of a height-adjustable desk in lowered and raised positions
Height-adjustable table in lowered and raised positions Image by Sierra Dahl 

Did this blog help you learn about the recent improvements to Willis Library? Let us know your comments! Please contact Ask Us if you have any questions about library services. 


UNT Libraries. (2022, February 23). Accessibility Items.  

UNT Libraries. (2022, February 23). Curriculum Items.  

UNT Libraries. (2022, February 23). Overview. 


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Written By: Haley McGlynn

Libraries today provide a plethora of services to their communities and serve as a technological hub for patrons, offering a “multi-media experience,” with collections that include digital materials and physical technologies (Manness, 2006). With the prevalence of technology in the library, the term “Library 2.0” has been coined to encapsulate the social and intrapersonal nature of libraries today. The term comes from “Web 2.0”, which defines the modern web as a social facilitator with user-created content. 

According to Manness (2006), Library 2.0 has four essential elements: libraries are user-centered, provide a “multi-media experience,” are “socially rich,” and are “communally innovative”. The “user-centered” nature of Library 2.0 means that the focus of the library and the librarian is the patron.   

Shelf full of books
Old Books in Shelves by Roman Kraft licensed under Unsplash

Libraries are also “socially rich” — users can connect with other patrons and librarians via library websites and social media (Manness, 2006). For example, the Denton Public Library’s online catalog allows users to track what books or materials they use and create recommendation lists that can be shared with other users. 

Libraries are “communally innovative” — as communities change, library services adapt their services to be facilitators of these new resources, and in recent years, these resources have primarily been digital resources and educational services to train patrons on how to use them (Manness, 2006). Libraries today aim to provide accessible resources to all users and patrons despite income, background, education, etc. through diversity initiatives that focus on providing services to people or populations that have been previously underserved. The Spark is a great example of this initiative — the technology they have available to students, and the classes they host to educate students about that technology, is a bridge to accessible technological resources and equipment for students. 

However, some of the high-level services and information available to library users within libraries isn’t accessible to all people, including the “information poor” subclass, as described by Jain and Saraf (2013, p. 51) and Cancro (2016, p. 59), due to a discrepancy in the levels of library knowledge among patrons. 

Despite the plethora of digital resources available to library patrons, groups of higher socioeconomic status are able to access these resources faster and easier, creating the “information-rich”, and on the opposite end of the spectrum lies the “information-poor” who cannot afford access to those resources or are not knowledgeable of how to access them (Cancro, 2016, p. 59). Many library patrons, especially students at UNT, solely use the library for these digital resources, computers, or printers. Libraries, particularly public and academic libraries, often exist as “access points” for these technologies, but patrons might lack sufficient training to utilize those resources (Cancro, 2016, p. 59). 

Librarians and other information professionals, especially public librarians, carry the responsibility of being both the facilitator and educator on technology in the library. Librarians act as the middleman between the information and the user, or the technology and the user, and it is the library’s job to facilitate that access to information by “recruiting people from a variety of backgrounds to the profession; implementing a hiring process that will be most likely to result in the appointment of diverse librarians; and finally, committing to retaining a diverse team of employees once they are hired” (Cruz, 2019, p. 229). In addition to introducing and following through with diversity initiatives, librarians must make the effort to get ahead of needs changes and have the willingness to adapt (Hirsh, 2016). 

With the abundance of information that is available to us and our patrons, access to that information should be a right. Librarians exist to be the middleman between the information searcher and the information, easing access to that information by knowing where and how to find it, and by “bridging information access gaps” (Jain & Saraf, 2013, p. 51). The “free flow of information can reduce the digital divide/information divide among the citizens,” and libraries and librarians have the power to close that divide (Jain & Saraf, 2013, p. 47). 

Did this blog help you learn about libraries as facilitators of information access? Let us know your comments! Please contact Ask Us if you have any questions about library services. 


Cancro, P. (2016). The dark(ish) side of digitization: Information equity and the digital divide. The Serials Librarian, 71(1), 57-62. 

Cruz, A. M. (2019). Intentional integration of diversity ideals in academic libraries: A literature review. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 45(3), 220–227.  

Jain, V., & Saraf, S. (2013). Empowering the poor with right to information and library services. Library Review, 62(1), 47-52. 

Maness, J. M. (2006). Library 2.0 theory: Web 2.0 and its implications for libraries. Webology, 3(2). 

Suggested reading: 

Hapel, R. (2012). The Library as a Place. Public Library Quarterly, 31(1), 48-55. 

Oliphant, T. (2014). “I’m a library hugger!”: Public libraries as valued community assets. Public Library Quarterly, 33(4), 348-361. 

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Written by: Alexis Thomas

Welcome to the Fall 2022 semester! We hope you are having a great semester so far and are excited to welcome you back with a look into UNT’s Digital Libraries. Today, I will provide a brief introduction on what UNT’s Digital Library’s CyberCemetery has to offer.

Since we’re now in the spooky season, one may assume it refers to something quite scary. Luckily, it is not spooky at all, but it is a very useful tool to take a peek back in time. The CyberCemetery is a depository, for now, of defunct government agency websites that are managed by the UNT Libraries that can be accessed by current UNT students, faculty, and staff as well as non-UNT affiliate guests.

A foggy dark graveyard at night
I Am Become by Scott Rodgerson licensed under Unsplash.

In 2006, working in tandem with the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP), UNT Libraries added our first site, the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR). Today, we have over 120 defunct agency sites available to view. Each record comes with a description of the agency, the creation date, publication, and more. Not only do you get a description for the site, but if you click on the image associated with the agency, you will be directed to snapshots of the agency’s website. An exact date and time of the site’s decommissioning is indicated at the top of the page. This process bares resemblance to taking a screenshot on your phone, the difference is that any tabs, links, PDF reports, etc. are still available for you to interact with, almost as if the site is still up and running.

Now that we have a brief overview of the CyberCemetery, why do we need it? This is a digital archive, and just like any other archive, library, or other information institution. These organizations may no longer be around but that does not mean that the work they contributed should be counted as obsolete. CyberCemetery is a resource available for you to aid you in your research, whether you need to find data/stats, reports, or memos. Considering this is a collection strictly for former United States government agency sites, it may seem beneficial for students taking courses in political science and international relations. With sites for the U.S. Climate Change Science Program and the President’s New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, students from the sciences and social sciences can also learn a lot about the progression of these fields.

For those who want to use the CyberCemetery for their scholarly writing, here’s a quick tip. Like many of our library databases, we have a tool that will help you cite the webpage. Simply scroll down to the bottom of the page until you see “Citing This Site” or use the “Citing This Site” tab located on the left side of the page.

Have you visited the CyberCemtery yet? Let us know your thoughts on this collection! If you have any questions on how to use the CyberCemetery collection or would like to know more about what is available to you, please don’t hesitate to reach out via Ask Us.

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Written by Sierra Dahl 

The UNT Libraries holds over three million items, however, there is always a chance the book you need is not available. Although the interlibrary loan service or purchase request can be used to obtain a copy of the book you need, there is also another program that can be used to get you access to a copy. The TexShare Program is a statewide library initiative that allows card-holding library patrons the ability to check out materials from more than a thousand other libraries in Texas. All that is needed to be granted access to other libraries’ collections is to be issued a TexShare card from a participating library such as the University of North Texas. 

Using the TexShare Program can be beneficial for many college students and researchers. For instance, if an academic library close to you, such as Texas Women’s University in Denton, Texas, has a collection of books or a specific material you need, it is possible to be issued a library card from that library after showing your TexShare card. By doing this, you typically gain access to most of the library’s materials. This program is also beneficial for distance learners since checking out books from a nearby academic library may be preferable to receiving the books through UNT’s distance learning delivery service.  

TexShare cards can also be especially helpful for finding books to read for recreation or fun programs offered by public libraries. It is worth noting that it is rare for libraries in this program to offer online services and resources such as e-books and streaming videos to TexShare cardholders. 

My Experience Using TexShare: 

I was issued a TexShare card from the UNT Libraries and have used the card twice to get library cards from public libraries. I was able to get an account with the Austin Public Library and gained access to the millions of items available at over a dozen of their locations. By having a TexShare card, I was able to check out a variety of items and enjoy their many programs. I avoided having to pay Austin Public Library’s $120 annual fee for getting a non-resident library card by presenting my TexShare card. Additionally, I received a Georgetown Public Library card and have enjoyed having access to their collections. 

Image of library cards from various libraries
Image by Sierra Dahl 

To apply for a TexShare card from the UNT Libraries, you can visit any of the UNT Libraries’ service desks excluding the Media Library, and bring your student ID. After filling out a brief form and showing your UNT ID card, you will be issued a TexShare card that will expire at the end of the current semester it was issued in. For instance, a TexShare card issued in January 2022 will expire in May 2022. Additionally, distance learners can apply for a card online by emailing Access Services and receiving the card through the mail. To learn more about the TexShare program and search for a list of the participating libraries, please visit If you have questions about TexShare, contact Access Services at or (940) 565-2413. 

Did this blog help you learn about using TexShare? Let us know your comments! Please contact Ask Us if you have any questions about library services. 


UNT Library. (n.d.). University Libraries. Distance learning services.  

UNT Library. (n.d.). University Libraries. TexShare cards. 

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Posted March 28th, 2022 by Justin & filed under Research Help.

Written by Omika Mishra

Searching for relevant databases for your field of research can be difficult but once you reach those databases, your research can be a breeze. A library database is a searchable electronic index of credible resources that have been published. Access to a multitude of relevant research resources from academic publications, newspapers, and periodicals is available through databases. E-books, pertinent Web resources, and diverse multimedia are all included in certain databases. The UNT library alone has access to close to 600 databases. 

Why use library database? 

Information in a database has been tagged with various types of data, allowing for far more effective and efficient searching. You can search by author, title, keyword, topic, publication date, source type (magazine, newspaper, etc.), and many other criteria. Database information has been examined in some way, ranging from a rigorous peer-review publishing procedure to a popular magazine editor deciding whether or not to publish an item. Databases must be purchased, and the majority of the material is not freely available on the internet. As new information becomes available, the databases are updated on a regular basis. Database provides Information about citations. It includes the data you’ll need to correctly cite your sources and compile your bibliography. This information may or may not be included in the information you obtain via Google. 

Here are a few steps on how to find databases using the UNT Library homepage: 

  1. Visit the website​.  
  1. Once on UNT library home page,  locate the blue box with options including “Search it all”, “Online articles”, “Books & more” and many more. 
  1. Proceed to type in database name in “search it all” or go to “Database” to find more options. 
  1. There are two search box “Find a Database” provides a list of databases present in the library and in the second box “Browse subject” will present a list of subjects to choose from like Accounting, Advertising and many more.  
  1. Here at the top, you can type in the name of the database you are looking for and in the second blank space you search for databases based on subject such as “Public Administration” 
  1. Once a selection is made, the website will populate information like the number of databases, name of databases, subject librarian related to this subject. Subject Librarian supports student in research on a specific subject. 

You will find fields like: 

 “All subject” this is where you search for all the databases based on the subjects you choose like “Public Administration”.  

“All Database Type” Here you will find what kind of databases are available like Bibliography, data set, E-books, E-journals, newspaper, Online video and many more. 

“All Vendors/Provider” Here you will find list of providers like EBSCO, Thomas Reuters – Financial, Cornell Library and many more. 

References (APA format): 

UNT Library. University Libraries. 

CQ Press. (n.d.).  

Berkeley College. (n.d.).  

Introduction to Library Research. (n.d.).

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Written by Manvitha Doma 

Graduate and undergraduate students can take advantage of free tutoring services at the Willis Library. Both the UNT Writing Center and Learning Center have teamed up with Willis Library to provide as much assistance to students as possible with the purpose of assisting students in achieving their academic and professional goals. 

UNT Writing Center
Photograph of tutors working with students in the UNT Writing Center on campus from UNT Digital Library 

Writing Center: 

During my time as a Graduate Services Assistant, I often send students to the writing center for assistance with references and citations after I have assisted them. Common issues like grammar, punctuation, citation styles, personal statements and more can all be addressed by our Writing Center’s qualified tutors. Appointments can be made in person or online, depending on your preference. We also have graduate tutors that specifically assist students pursuing master’s degrees and Ph.D.’s with their academic writing. With their help, you will learn skills to improve your writing ability. In order to get the most out of your tutoring session, it is important to let them know what you hope to accomplish during your time together. 

Is there anything you need help with, but you cannot make it to the Writing Lab? You should not be concerned, as they provide both in-person and online appointment options. Zoom video conference software is used for online tutoring sessions. If both parties have Internet access, students and tutors can mark up and share papers while conversing in real time. Students can discuss research papers and ask questions from the comfort of their own homes or any other location with a reliable internet connection thanks to these online offerings. Tutoring sessions for undergraduate and graduate students are one hour long. In many cases, it is best for students to go as early as possible in the writing process. Tutors can assist writers better comprehend the project, clarify their thoughts more clearly, and establish an outline before they begin writing. However, it is important to realize that it is impossible to become a great writer in one session. While it is nice to see a draft improve right away, the actual growth for a writer comes with practice.  

If you are unsure about your writing skills, the Writing Center is a valuable resource that you should take advantage of, though writers of all skill levels can benefit from early and frequent feedback from a skilled peer tutor. However, there are several ways a tutor can assist you in drafting a paper, from getting someone started to helping them revise an existing essay. When you meet with a tutor, you will be able to work on your ideas, get them in order, and improve your writing. 

Learning Center: 

Do you have a tough time determining whether your approach to a subject is correct? The Learning Center can assist you with understanding assignments correctly, providing alternative approaches, and can also help in clarifying concepts. To increase accessibility, tutoring is not strictly in-person, with the option of using Zoom for one-on-one tutoring. Drop-in tutoring is available, but students must make an appointment with a lead tutor for each course they need help with. Utilizing their services for either a quick question or using the full two hours are both welcome. If a student only has a quick question and does not require a full session, they can use the Ask-A-Tutor service. 

Learning centers have a tutortube where students can find instructional videos on a wide range of topics, including math and science as well as arts and the humanities. Only the lead tutor for a specific course is needed to schedule an appointment with a graduate student. More services can be found on their website, so be sure to look if you are interested. 

My Experience with the Learning Center: 

Last semester, I had a tough time completing a class assignment that involved statistics for a rigorous 8-week course. I had to spend a lot of time on assignments that were difficult to understand, and I was under a lot of stress. While doing these assignments, I reached an answer, but I was unsure if it was correct. To my relief, my friend informed me of the services available at the Learning Center. After a few sessions with tutors, I was able to complete my assignments without further assistance. 

For more information on tutoring services, you can visit  Did this blog help you learn about the tutoring services available at Willis library? Let us know your comments! Please contact Ask Us if you have any questions about library services.  

References (APA format):  

Tutoring Services | Learning Center. (n.d.). 

UNT Writing Center. (n.d.).  

Tags: Willis Library Services, Tutoring Services, Learning Center, Writing Center

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Written by Justin Hall

Woman in Pink Sweater Holding Gray Laptop
Woman in Pink Sweater Holding Gray Laptop by Antoni Shkraba licensed under Pexels

Valuing Community Patrons  

As an academic institution, UNT Libraries provide information resources and services to UNT students, staff, and faculty on a daily basis. However, UNT Libraries are not just open to UNT affiliates, but also community patrons not directly affiliated with UNT. Although community members make up a smaller portion of the patrons that frequent the library, they are just as valuable as UNT affiliated patrons and have access to many of the same resources that UNT affiliates enjoy. With that in mind, UNT Libraries strive to best serve community patrons by understanding their varied information needs. It is critical that library staff adhere to the same high standards of service when assisting the greater community rather than focusing on a smaller group. Community patrons are just as essential to the continued function and success of the library and should be treated as such.  
Why UNT Libraries Serve Community Patrons  
While community patrons rarely support libraries directly, they are still fundamental in terms of academic library mission success. The goal of all libraries, academic or not, is to provide the community with information resources they would otherwise not be able to easily access. In most cases, public libraries are the institutions for providing this service to the community. This is because, unlike academic libraries, public libraries receive their funding directly from community taxes. “Educational institutions, and specifically libraries, understand the necessity of positive relations with their various publics as insurance for the continued financial and emotional support that will lead to their ongoing growth and success” (Marshall, 2001, p.116). 
However, since academic libraries often have specialized resources that are unavailable in public libraries, they can satisfy community needs that would otherwise go unfulfilled. This is one of the main reasons why it is important for institutions like the UNT library to be open and accessible to the general public. Additionally, by supporting the community in unique ways academic libraries are able to build stronger ties to the community thereby making the services they provide all the more valuable and essential. “Librarians at private institutions, however, often see service to unaffiliated users not as a requirement but as a means to maintain good public relations in their communities.” (Courtney, 2003, p.3) 

Understanding the Needs and Privileges of Community Patrons 

Most people who come to the library do so with a purpose in mind. Whether that purpose is internet access, recreational reading, or research, anyone who walks into the library should be considered a patron. UNT Libraries are aware that unaffiliated community patrons have different needs when compared to UNT affiliated patrons which has led to tailored services that are both beneficial and responsive to those needs. 

 For example, all community members have access to the library’s guest computers. By utilizing the guest computers located in the Willis, Sycamore, and Discovery Park branches, any patron can access the full catalog offered by UNT Libraries and all of the digital information resources stored within it. In addition, community members can use the library catalog to search for physical books located in the library. Any community patron can browse the books available in the general collection as long as the books stay within the library. UNT Libraries also offer community members off-site services such as checking out books or placing online holds. These services are available to any patrons with a courtesy card. In order to be eligible for a courtesy card, a community patron must fall under certain criteria such as being a be a Denton resident, UNT alumni member, or enrolled in the TexShare program.  

For more information about the services and resources available to community members checkout the link here.  

Did this blog help you to understand the importance of serving community patrons? Let us know your comments! Please contact Ask Us if you have any questions about library services. 

Courtney, N. (2003). Unaffiliated users’ access to academic libraries: A survey. The Journal of 
Academic Librarianship, 29(1), 3-7. 

Marshall, N. J. (2001). Public relations in academic libraries: A descriptive analysis. The   Journal of Academic Librarianship, 27(2), 116-121. 

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By Alexander Ames 

A stack of books taken bt Alexander Ames
Photo taken by Alexander Ames 

When a patron of any library uses its services, there is an expectation of privacy on the part of the user. Otherwise, it would be extremely uncomfortable for them to get information on subjects that might even just be seen as touchy, and with a shifting social landscape, that might cover most topics. For example, the book Steal This Book , held at the Willis Library, has been set as a reserve and can be found behind the service desk. This has reduced the circulation of the book as patrons may be wary of telling a government-funded library that they are interested in reading a book that has themes of anarchy, while the real reason that it can be found behind the service desk is because the library was afraid that the book would be stolen if left on the general collection shelves.  

To ensure the patron’s right to information, most libraries in the U.S. follow the Code of Ethics (Professional Ethics, 2021) and Library Bill of Rights (Library Bill of Rights, 2019) created by the American Library Association (ALA), either officially or unofficially. This Code of Ethics is taught to future librarians working towards their master’s degree in Library Science in ALA accredited programs. This is done to ensure equitable access to information via the librarian’s experience in an attempt to standardize library ethics rather than leaving ethical issues up to the individual library that might not have an ethical framework to work from. This code of ethics is meant to “…ensure the free flow of information and ideas to present and future generations” (Professional Ethics, 2021) while keeping each librarian as unbiased as possible. In the example with Steal This Book, this would mean that it is the library’s duty to see to the free flow of information held in the book, which is currently hampered by misconceptions that the book is held behind the desk to collect data on those who would ask for it. 

As a few examples of a library with an ethics statement, the Cooke County Library uses a PDF of the ALA Code of Ethics and Library Bill of Rights along with detailed interpretations of the latter (Cooke county library, 2011), and the Red Oak Library specifically cites the same Code of Ethics in their own patron privacy statement (Privacy and confidentiality, n.d.). A plainly stated code of ethics isn’t limited to public libraries, however. On the academic library front, Georgia Tech has a privacy policy which states exactly who has access to circulation records (Privacy Policy, n.d.), and Cornell specifically states that they protect patron privacy which “…includes library patron’s right to read anonymously.” (Privacy and confidentiality in the Cornell, n.d.) 

However, libraries do not always clearly give their policies on patron privacy, which leads to patrons not knowing what rights they have or what information will be given away by the library they visit. Rather than this lack of availability being due to the libraries having no Code of Ethics, it may be due to institutions being wary of adopting a Code of Ethics created outside of their specific needs. As the ALA Code of Ethics is meant to be broad guidelines rather than specific rules to follow and is meant to be more like a set of ethical guidelines than specific rules, it should be applicable to most, if not all, situations.  

UNT Libraries, as an example of a library without a patron privacy statement, is both part of an ALA Accredited University, meaning that the University’s Library Science program has been approved to ALA standards, and is an institutional member of the ALA and, by extension, the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), upholding their ethical standards by association. However connected an institution might be to ethical bodies, if this is not made clear to patrons, the library starts seeing issues like the one mentioned before with Steal This Book , where a lack of clarity on ethical standards and policies on patron privacy cause distrust between patron and institution.  

The core purpose of a service in the field of information services, especially an academic library, is the proliferation of information, and the lack of a patron privacy statement runs counter to that purpose. The issue here is one of transparency to the patron, as the only way that the library can guarantee equitable access to information is if the patron knows that, barring a subpoena, the books that they check out will only be known to them and the library. No matter how embarrassing or socially charged a book checked out from the library might seem to be, libraries are a place free of judgement, and a place patron privacy is protected: they simply need to make that fact clearer to their patrons.  


Cooke county library policy appendices. (2011).  Cooke County Library. 

Library bill of rights. (2019). American Library Association. 

Privacy and confidentiality in the Cornell university library. (n.d.) Cornell University Library. 

Privacy and confidentiality of patron records.  (n.d.) 

Privacy policy. (n.d.). Georgia Tech Library. 

Professional ethics. (2021). American Library Association. 

Posted by & filed under Research Help.

Written by Sierra Dahl 

A man reading a book beside a woman reading a book
A man reading a book beside a woman reading a book photo by Burst from Pexels 

The University of North Texas Libraries is no stranger to the academic, research, and scholarly interests of both students and employees that guide the majority of interactions they have with patrons. Most UNT students utilize the online articles and databases available through the library or check out textbook reserves or books needed for assignments. However, many students are unaware of the various methods of obtaining books purely for entertainment from the UNT Libraries. Reading for fun has a multitude of benefits for readers. 

Recreational reading can result in improvements in academic achievement. The book The Power of Reading collected over twenty years of research on reading and found that recreational reading improved the ability to comprehend academic-style books and the ability to write in a style that is professional (Brookbank, Davis, & Harlan, 2018, p. 29). Additionally, several studies have found that leisure reading can make college students “more articulate, develops higher order reasoning, and promotes critical thinking.” (Dewan, 2010, p. 48) 

Whether it be the latest volume of your favorite manga series, a bestselling murder mystery fiction book, a famous play, or the funniest picture book you read as a child, the UNT Library is always able to help you get a copy of a book you are interested in. 

Searching Online for UNT Library Materials 

You can browse the UNT Libraries’ collections by searching in the online catalog. First, you can utilize the UNT Library Catalog and hit search without typing in the box. You can then select “Books” under resource type and use the Genre limiter located on the left side of the webpage. Diverse genres such as “fantasy fiction,” “mystery and detective fiction,” and “wit and humor” can be selected to view books in that genre. E-books can be found via the catalog and read using the green button that says “FIND IT Online”. Additionally, you can use the “Subjects” section of catalog entries to find more books that focus on a particular topic. This is especially helpful for finding books similar to ones you enjoy. For instance, if you loved Garlic & the Vampire and wanted to read more graphic novels that focus on vampires, near the end of the entry, you can select the subject “Vampires > Comic books, strips, etc.” to view more items that fit those criteria.  

Searching the Stacks for UNT Library Materials 

The Stacks located on the 3rd Floor of Willis Library can be intimidating to most individuals. However, they contain a bounty of interdisciplinary knowledge and entertainment. Classic literature, poems, plays, and anthologies are just a few of the enjoyable books that are located on the third floor. Graphic novels, comics, and manga can also be found on the 3rd floor of Willis Library. You can use the catalog to locate a specific book or just browse the shelves. If you are new to browsing our collection, a resource you might find helpful is the Scholar Speak post “Understanding the Library of Congress Call Number System”

If you enjoy popular adult nonfiction and fiction novels, you can check our Bestsellers collection located on the 2nd floor. This fun collection includes novels by the notable authors James Patterson, Nora Roberts, and Stephen King. If young adult novels interest you more, you can find thousands located at the Sycamore Library in the Juvenile Collection. Sycamore Library also houses picture books, middle-grade novels, both fiction and nonfiction for children and young adults, and young adult graphic novels. 

Gaining Access to Books the UNT Libraries Doesn’t Own 

Occasionally, the UNT Libraries will not have the item you are searching for. However, there is no need to buy the book yourself or search a public library’s shelves for a copy. Instead, you can request the book using the UNT Libraries’ Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service. The Interlibrary Loan service is able to search other libraries to locate a copy of a requested book and have it delivered to the Willis Library Service Desk free of charge. First-time users will need to create an ILLiad account by going to the Accounts Login page on the library website and clicking “create ILLiad account. For more information about ILL, such as who can use it and the checkout period, go to the ILL page on the library website. Requests can also be made for books in the UNT collection that are currently checked out. The UNT ILL department will put in their best effort to find an available copy for you. 

Did this blog help you learn about finding books at the UNT Libraries to read for fun? Let us know your comments! Please contact Ask Us if you have any questions about library services. 

References (APA format):  

Brookbank, E., Davis, A., & Harlan, L. (2018). Don’t call it a comeback: Popular reading collections in academic libraries. Reference and User Services Quarterly, 58(1), 28-39.  

Dewan, P. (2010). Why your academic library needs a popular reading collection now more than ever. College & Undergraduate Libraries17(1), 44-64. 

Posted by & filed under Research Help.

Written by Arslan Ahmed 

Photo by mentatdgt from Pexels
Photo by mentatdgt from Pexels

When it comes to presentation, the first two questions which come to mind are “What content to present” and “how to present.” Students are learning to become experts in their own domain of knowledge, but the big questions are “how” to convey that knowledge to others. Students certainly do not want their well-crafted and well-rehearsed script to be presented poorly. The slides should speak for themselves. 

It is not how much a presenter gives, but how they give it that matters the most. The presenter can either make the audience go to sleep with boring slides or keep them engaged throughout the presentation.  

Here are 8 key points to keep in mind when designing your slides which can also be used as a checklist: 

  1. Template: Choosing the right template is the first key to success of your presentation. A template contains layouts, theme colors, fonts, effects, background styles and many more stylistic options. A template should be consistent throughout the presentation. A company might have a dedicated template to be used. Another source for templates is the UNT PowerPoint templates webpage, which can be used for your class presentations. Using these templates, 50% of the presenter’s work is done which allows the presenter to focus on the content for their slides. It is important to know the location of the presentation, taking into consideration a few factors such as lighting, equipment available, and if the presentation is physical or virtual, with each having a potential impact on necessary preparation. 
  1. Style guide: The style guide outlines the most significant specifications for making PowerPoint presentations. If one is available, employees given the same template need to follow the same set of rules. As a result, the corporate design is consistent. This allows employees to save time while also improving the quality of your presentations. Let the style of the slides speak to the audience it is aimed at. If creating a PowerPoint independent rather than based on a template, keep consistency in the styling of the theme, font, font size, font color (which may differ for headings and subheadings), picture size, and size of any logos throughout the PowerPoint or simply follow the predefined recommended style guide for that template if available. 
  1. Layout: The presentation will look much better and even more professional if the creator uses the proper layout for each slide. Ensure that the design components and content are arranged in a uniform fashion throughout the presentation. The layout of the material and visuals should be balanced and coherent. 
  1. Consistency: Consistency is key to a good presentation. The movement from one slide to the next should feel seamless. For a beautiful presentation, the typeface, colors, layout, and style should all be consistent.  
  1. Visuals: Images speak more than words coming from the mouth of a presenter. Use relevant and meaningful images where required. Visuals are an excellent method to communicate effectively but do not find just any image from a Google search, as it may be distracting; instead, look for the right one and do not violate the copyrights of the image. Another way to understand if the image is suitable for the topic is to try justifying how this image connects with the content of the slide, and if it conveys the message to the audience without any audio associated with it. 
  1. Colors: Have you noticed that anything related to UNT, like the UNT website, is always printed in green? This is because most organizations use a dedicated color palette as part of their identity. Always be consistent in choosing the colors for your presentations. Colors not only enhance your slides but also help to communicate the message between the presenter and the audience more effectively. As such, if you are making an independent presentation for a classroom, add some color to the slides or use a predefined template with colors that match your purpose. Consider a dark background for the slide with a light color for the text if you are giving a presentation in a dark room. Avoid using light text on light background or clashing colors, which will distract the audience. 
  1. Alignment: Practice proper alignment of all content in the slides. Some examples of what to look for include the margins, spacing from all sides, and images on the left, right, or middle. If the slide contains a lot of information, proper alignment will make it presentable and will keep the audience from becoming distracted. Proper alignment makes a slide look clean, well-formatted and professional. 
  1. Typeface: Choose a good typeface or font family which are easy to read and are also suitable for printing. Keep the font consistent from the first slide to the last. There are several fonts you can use for your presentation. However, you are better off choosing standard fonts, such as Calibri, Tahoma, Gill Sans, and Garamond, or even Times New Roman and Constantia. Stay away from all-caps fonts and Avoid Scripts, Italics and Decorative Fonts. 

Those are the 8 essential characteristics of well-designed PowerPoint slides, along with all the best tips for a great presentation. Please feel free to leave a comment letting us know if this helped you, and as always, contact Ask Us with your research and library questions. 

References (APA format):  

Mount, K. (2017). Presentation skills: Designing effective visual aids

Reynolds, G. (2010). Presentation zen design: Simple design principles and techniques to enhance your presentations. Berkeley, Calif: New Riders 

Mount, K. (2017). Presentation skills: Design, structure and content.  
