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Written by: Valerie Cummins

The Fall semester is well underway, and mid-term season with its exams and papers is almost here. To help get the most out of your studying and be able to find articles for midterm papers (and those soon to be appearing term papers), today’s blog post is focusing on Boolean Operators and search modifiers to empower you and give you the skills to perform effective searches in library catalogs, databases, and search engines. 

Woman writing while on laptop with notebook
Photo by Christiann Koepke on Unsplash

What are Boolean Operators?

Boolean Operators are logical operators based in mathematical theory. They are used in computer science to determine whether things fit into an element or set. In the context of search engines, they are used to include, exclude, and generally define what things a search is allowed to return and what it is not allowed to return.  

While not as intuitive as natural language search queries that use a question format —  “biographies about Victoria Beckham” as an example— searches that utilize Boolean operators are powerful and able to return very refined results based on user inputs.  

Common Boolean Operators and Search Modifiers

Boolean Operators break down into the following functions: 

AND, which will return items that include both search terms 

Example: Pokemon AND Learning.  

This can be used to find specific results when you are looking for keywords that are not directly related to each other. In some search engines, they may use AND or +.  

OR, which will return items that include either search term utilized 

Example: ChatGPT OR Bard 

This can be used to find results which when you are looking for keywords that are associated with each other but will not necessarily be in the same articles. In some search engines, they may use OR or |.  

NOT, which will return keywords related to the first item while excluding the second term 

Example: Plant-based NOT vegan 

This can be useful when you are looking for items related to a keyword that have some associated terms you do not need or are not looking for. In some search engines, they may use NOT or -.  

“Quotation Mark”, which will return anything that includes the exact set of words inside of them. 

Example: “Taylor Swift” will return results that include only the exact phrase within the quotation marks.  

This can be useful when you are looking for exact multi-word items, phrases, or people.  

Nested operators, which use parentheses to create grouped search strings. 

Example: Earthquakes (Japan OR Pacific) 

This will return results about earthquakes that also include matches on Japan OR the Pacific. It allows for more complex and defined searches. 

Wildcards, which will return results that partially match the requested word by looking for letters that can either replace the ? symbol  (single letters) or the * symbol (as many apply) when they are used in any part of a word. 

Example: Part*, Wom?n  

This will return results that include words that use Part in it such as Partner, Participants, Particles for the asterisk and for Wom?n words such as Woman, Women, and Womyn for words that have a single letter that replace the question mark.  

A Table of Boolean Operators

AND+Pokémon AND Learning
Comics + Libraries
Combine Keywords
OR|ChatGPT OR Bard
Pasta | Pizza
Either Keyword
NOTPlant-based NOT vegan 
Animals -horses 
Exclude all results with the unwanted keyword 
Quotations“”“Taylor Swift” 
“Social Work”
Will only find results with the phrase included in the quotations 
Nested (Parentheses)()“pop music” AND (“21st century”-“Taylor Swift”) 
Earthquakes AND (Japan OR Pacific) 
Nests different search operators 
Wildcard? or *Wom?n 
? will look for single character replacements; 
* will find all results that have the rest of the word in it with any replacement characters 

How to use Boolean Operators in the Find Articles and Discover

These can all be used throughout the UNT Libraries search engines including our Find Articles Search and the Discover Catalog.  

This can be utilized alongside the “Refine your search” and “Limit your search” filters or by doing an advanced search using Search Options in Find Articles and the Advanced Search in Discover. This makes it possible to create refined searches that only return specific items created during a specific range of dates related to a specific subject while excluding closely related unwanted keywords. You can also exclude specific authors entirely, which may be useful if you’re trying to find alternate articles or books on a subject that has a prominent or prolific writer. 

Even without using advanced search options, Boolean modifiers are able to be a powerful tool and can help with basic searches.  

 Other Search Engines and Websites 

Beyond library searches, Boolean searches can be used on other databases, search engines, and websites as well. 

All of the academic databases that the UNT Libraries provide to students, staff, faculty can be searched through with Boolean modifiers, and each will generally have their own instructions on which specific operators and the format they prefer in their own help guide. As an example, EbscoHost has its own help section that breaks down multiple kinds of search methods, including a whole section on Boolean. 

The various search engines that are commonly used— Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo— also still support Boolean searches. While they all support natural language searches, Boolean searches can help support effective searches that won’t fall prey to deceptive search engine optimization practices. Boolean search is also supported on the Google Scholar search engine.  

Boolean is able to be used on plenty of other websites as well: Sites such as Twitter/X, LinkedIn, Wikipedia, Archive of Our Own, and more all have various different methods of how to utilize the different forms of Boolean search operators: Some will require the operator word (such as “Vegetarian NOT vegan”), while others utilize the symbols only (“Vegetarian -vegan”). 

With all of this in mind, hopefully you will find your future searches— whether for school research, work, or your own personal uses— all the more personalized.  

Did this blog help you learn about improving your searches, both at the libraries and beyond? Let us know in the comments! Please contact AskUs if you have questions about doing library research.  

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Written by: Zoë (Abbie) Teel 

LibGuide by Greg Hardin about using APA.
Screenshot of UNT Information Science LibGuide: APA Tab. UNT seal in top-left corner.
Accessed from


As the semester kicks off, the world of APA and references might be uncharted territory for many fellow students out there. Now, as a graduate student who’s been navigating the intricacies of APA ever since my high school days, I couldn’t help but whip up a nifty guide filled with all tips and tricks to master the art of APA in your papers.

Purpose of APA

The American Psychological Association emphasizes that using citations lays the groundwork for successful scholarly communication (APA, 2019). In academic settings, maintaining writer integrity and consistently acknowledging the originators of ideas are crucial aspects. It is all about giving credit and providing structure to a piece of writing.

Important to Know

When it comes to APA style, diving into the world of citations can feel like navigating a labyrinth where books, articles, journals, and other resources each have their unique set of guidelines.

At Willis Library, here at the University of North Texas, you can find a total of fourteen copies of the most recent (2020) edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, which serves as the authoritative resource for APA style.

Within this manual, comprehensive explanations are provided for each specific aspect of APA style, including in-text citations and crafting references for the reference page. Through careful review, I have identified and highlighted what I consider to be the most prevalent and beneficial points for someone new to utilizing APA style.


  1. Author Format:
    • For one or more authors, list the last name followed by initials. Use an ampersand (&) before the last author’s name.
    • Example: Teel, Z. A., & Lund, B. D.
  2. In-Text Citations:
    • Include the author’s last name and publication year in parentheses.
    • Example: (Teel & Wang, 2023).
  3. Reference Page:
    • Begin with the word “References” centered at the top of a new page.
    • List all sources alphabetically by the author’s last name.
    • Arrange sources with identical last names based on their publication year.
  4. Italics:
    • Italicize book and journal titles.
    • Example: Title of Book or Title of Journal.
  5. Capitalization:
    • Capitalize the first word of the title, subtitle, and proper nouns.
    • Use sentence case for article and chapter titles.
    • Example: The Art of Writing.
    • On the reference page, journal articles should only have the first word capitalized, the following should all be lowercase.
    • Example: “Information literacy, data literacy, privacy literacy, and chatgpt: technology literacies align with perspectives on emerging technology adoption within communities”
  6. URLs:
  7. DOIs:
    • Include the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for sources with DOIs.
    • Example: doi:10.12345/xyz.
  8. Book Citations:
    • Author(s) Last Name, Initials. (Year). Title of Book. Publisher.
    • Example: Teel, Z. A. (2023). The Science of Psychology. Academic Press.
  9. Journal Citations:
    • Author(s) Last Name, Initials. (Year). Title of Article. Title of Journal, Volume(Issue), Page Range. DOI (if available).
    • Example: Teel, Z. A. (2023). Understanding APA Citations. Journal of Psychology, 10(2), 123-145. doi:10.6789/abc123.
  10. Multiple Authors, Same Source:
    • In the first citation, list all authors up to three. For more than three authors, use “et al.” after the first author’s name.
    • Example: (Teel, Lund, & Wang, 2023) or (Teel et al., 2023).
  11. Same Author, Multiple Sources:
    • Distinguish between multiple works by the same author and year with lowercase letters (a, b, c, etc.).
    • Example: (Teel, 2023a) or (Teel, 2023b).

Overview Table (Condensed Information From Numbered List)

GuidelinesFormat & Example
Author FormatTeel, Z.A., & Lund, B.D.
In-Text Citations(Teel & Wang, 2023)
Reference PageReferences (the title at the top) centered
 List sources alphabetically by author’s last name.
 Arrange sources with identical last names based on their publication year.
ItalicsItalicize book and journal titles
 Example: Title of Book or Title of Journal
CapitalizationCapitalize first word of title, subtitle, proper nouns
 – Use sentence case for article and chapter titles
 Example: The Art of APA
 On reference page, only first word of journal article
 Example: “Information literacy, data literacy…”
URLsInclude complete URL for online sources
DOIsInclude DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for sources
 Example: doi:10.12345/xyz
Book CitationsAuthor(s) Last Name, Initials. (Year). Title of Book. Publisher.
 Example: Teel, Z. A. (2023). The Science of Psychology. Academic Press.
Journal CitationsAuthor(s) Last Name, Initials. (Year). Title of Article. Title of Journal, Volume(Issue), Page Range. DOI (if available).
 Example: Teel, Z. A. (2023). Understanding APA Citations. Journal of Psychology, 10(2), 123-145. doi:10.6789/abc123.
Multiple AuthorsList all authors up to three in first citation. For more than three, use “et al.” after first author’s name.
 Example: (Teel, Lund, & Wang, 2023) or (Teel et al., 2023).
Same Author, Multiple SourcesDistinguish between multiple works by the same author and year with lowercase letters (a, b, c, etc.).
 Example: (Teel, 2023a) or (Teel, 2023b).

Library Help & Conclusion

Learning the intricacies of APA formatting and style can greatly enhance the quality and professionalism of your academic work. To further assist you on your APA journey, consider utilizing the resources provided by the Purdue Owl, a highly recommended platform offering comprehensive APA Formatting and Style Guide overviews, an APA Style Introduction, and illustrative example papers. While the tips and tricks shared in this paper offer valuable insights, it’s worth noting that the UNT Libraries’ extensive LibGuide dedicated to APA serves as an invaluable resource. Greg Hardin, the subject librarian for this topic, stands ready to provide expert assistance. Additionally, the Writing Center offers access to APA manuals and a guide for correctly citing and formatting references in APA style, and appointments available both in person and online. By leveraging these tools and expert guidance, you can navigate the complexities of APA with confidence, ensuring your scholarly endeavors adhere to the highest standards of precision and clarity.


American Psychological Association. (2019). About APA Style. APA Style.

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Written by: Arthi Reddy Annadi

As we all know, every student is typically occupied with either conducting research or making daily life decisions. We are often unsure if our work is legitimate or not and always require someone’s opinion or review. We conduct extensive research before making decisions, whether it is choosing a major for our course of study, watching a movie, or selecting a restaurant for dinner. We frequently rely on the reviews section to gain knowledge or opinions. Through the internet, it is effortless to grasp the opinions of millions of people. This text, generated by opinions, has created a new area in the field of data science known as sentiment analysis. Many organizations and businesses rely on the extracted sentiment from these texts to enhance their performance by understanding the impact and launches of their products and services through public opinion. 

A picture with a positive and negative emoticons.

A picture representing positive and negative emotions. Image by Arthi Reddy Annadi

Sentiment analysis, also known as opinion mining, subjectivity analysis, and appraisal extraction, is associated with computational linguistics, natural language processing, and text mining. It is a field that studies emotions ranging from psychology to judgment using data mining and computational linguistic tools (Mejova, 2009).

Application of sentiment analysis

Sentiment analysis is a key component in a wide range of applications. The area where consumer goods and services are evaluated is part of the most used application (Feldman, 2013). The two main platforms for sentiment analysis apps are Twitter and Facebook. Usage by businesses to track their brand on various social media sites is its most common application.

When locating pertinent resources:

Students can choose pertinent sources with the use of sentiment analysis. Choosing which sources to use is one of the biggest problems that students run across when conducting research. Sentiment analysis can be quite useful in this situation. Students can type in their area of interest to find reviews, social media posts, or survey results including their keywords. By acting sentimentally, they can choose which sources to use based on their sentiment by conducting sentiment analysis on this data.

The process of “summarizing the data.”

Data summary is aided by sentiment analysis. Students can summarize their findings without losing the core idea thanks to sentiment analysis’s “summary generation” capability. They can do their task more effectively and more neatly while also saving time. Additionally, summarization aids in message delivery. The “Google Product Search” is a famous illustration of this (Feldman, 2013). Sentiment analysis can assist students in locating attitudes and opinions expressed in huge collections of text data. Students may use sentiment analysis to learn how others feel about a certain subject, good, or service, for example. For instance, a student researching consumer behavior can examine internet reviews of a good or service using sentiment analysis to learn more.

Similarly, a student studying social issues can use sentiment analysis to examine tweets and Facebook postings to learn about people’s thoughts and feelings regarding the topic. “” is an application that analyzes tweets in real time (Feldman, 2013). To effectively identify the problems and make data-driven decisions, a student can use these tools and approaches in their study or data analysis.

I hope this information is helpful and that you find it relevant to your potential use of sentiment analysis in future research endeavors. If you have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact Ask Us at


Feldman, R. (2013, Apr 1,). Techniques and applications for sentiment analysis. Communications of the ACM, 56, 82-89. 10.1145/2436256.2436274

Mejova, Y. (2009). Sentiment analysis: An overview. University of Iowa, Computer Science Department.

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Written by Lakshmi Dubey

The University of North Texas contains an abundance of databases, which assists students in browsing through the best library databases for research. These databases provide access to many useful research materials ranging from articles, full text journals, abstracts, and e-books. UNT libraries has 644 databases available covering various topics, 38 of which are designed for information science students. Students may not be aware, but they have full access to all these resources. 

Out of the 38 databases available for information science, a few of the most prominently used ones are mentioned below:  

EBSCO host  

It is an online research platform utilized by millions of users and thousands of institutions. This interface provides access to e-journals and e-books. It is one of the most useful databases as it assists in identifying publications and journals based on the subject area. It is freely accessible to students through their institution if they subscribe to it.  


It is a catalog of books and plethora of materials worldwide available through FirstSearch. It does not contain individual articles, newspapers, magazines, journals, stand-alone articles, but consists of over 179 million records which cover around 400 languages. It is operated by OCLC.INC, the WorldCat is the world’s largest bibliographic database and is maintained by the OCLC member libraries (Oswald, 2017). As research becomes more specific, WorldCat comes in the picture when you need to look or resources beyond UNT.  

Science Direct  

Science Direct is a peer reviewed database of scientific and medical publications, which includes thousands of open access articles. It supports the research and educational missions of academic institutions through access to peer reviewed literature. The database helps students discover new insights with greater efficiency and effectiveness. “ScienceDirect offers content from four major subject areas: physical sciences and engineering, life sciences, health sciences, and social sciences and humanities” (University Libraries). Several open-access journals are also published on ScienceDirect. 

Academic search complete  

EBSCO host is a provider of academic search complete. It is one of the leading resources for scholarly research, which provides a collection of scholarly texts with full coverage for over 10,500 journals for all subject areas which include humanities, social sciences, computer sciences, education etc (University Libraries). It supports students with diverse projects or papers. This database helps students develop analytical abilities and critical thinking through practical learning by increasing their knowledge and comprehension on a certain subject or field. 

Library and Information Science Abstracts  

It is a global abstracting and indexing tool made for information specialists. It was originally published by the Library Association, Bowker-Saur began publishing it in 1991. Subject coverage covers all aspects given below: Knowledge management, 

librarianship, information technology, information management, library technology and online information retrieval. 

To access the above databases users must visit the UNT libraries page.They will find multiple options available on the left-hand side of the page under “Start your research.” Students must select the menu item “Databases” which leads them to either browse by subject or search for their own. They would then need to click on browse subjects and enter “Information sciences” to get access to the information science databases.

References (APA format):  

Oswald, G. (2017). Library World Records. OCLC Retrieved April 8, 2023, from  

Library and information science abstracts (LISA) – ProQuest. (n.d.). Retrieved April 8, 2023, from  

University libraries. A. (n.d.). Retrieved April 8, 2023, from

Posted by & filed under Databases and Journals, Knowledge Resources, Library Resources, Research Help.

Written by: Ashra Londa

One lesser-known fact on the University Libraries homepage is that a plethora of databases are tucked under the left sidebar on the Discover site. The University of North Texas is paying for these databases for student and faculty perusal—free of charge! There are over 600 databases in total, all packed to the brim with various types of information. Out of all the databases offered by UNT Libraries, we contain a repository of 30 online video databases. 

To access the video databases, a user must click on the Databases sidebar on the Discover page at and press enter in the blank search bar. From there, the user will locate the “All Database Types” drop-down menu towards the top-left of the database directory page and click on “Online Video” so that only the video databases will be available. There is a wide variety to choose from for the user’s browsing perusal. From here, the user can click on the “all subjects” drop-down menu to narrow the pool into a particular topic of interest, or simply skim through the descriptions beside each to locate one that piques their curiosity. 

As this selection may still feel overwhelming, here follows a quick tour of just a few delightful offerings from these video resources: 

Screenshot of the Kanopy Database as provided by UNT Libraries. Search bar is on the topmost-left side of the screen. Accessed from


Are subscriptions to streaming services becoming too pricey for your liking? Kanopy hosts a vast array of documentaries, animations, and other films for your perusal. Between many subject options, such as Anthropology, Medicine, and Art, there are also Award-Winning categories to choose from. If there’s a specific movie in mind that you can’t locate, you can even fill out a request form on Kanopy’s website. Find new favorites and expand your learning with Kanopy’s streaming platform. 

Screenshot of Ambrose Video 2.0 licensed videos for the University of North Texas. The search bar is in the top-left corner of the screen. Accessed from


Ambrose Video 2.0 serves as a hub for multiple historical documentaries on a variety of subjects, but it most notably contains the entire BBC produced collection of Shakespearean plays, broken up by acts and including closed captioning. From the comfort of your own home, you can watch any of these high-quality Shakespearean productions for free with access to this database. Other subjects include classic European musical composers, American author documentaries from 1650, a history of Western artworks, and a series of nature documentaries. All these resources come included with student and/or faculty access to the University Libraries. 

Screenshot of the database as provided by the University of North Texas. The search bar is in the top-right corner of the screen. Accessed from

PSYCHOTHERAPY features a multitude of therapy video resources, such as lecture topics, interviews, and other examples and strategies. One prominent source is the “Mastery in Minutes” section, wherein quick bite-sized videos packed with instructions help ease a viewer into honing some of these therapeutic techniques, backed by interviews with real people. Other instructional videos include trauma deep-dives, suicidal client interventions, and emotional assessments. These topics would be of high interest to students in the counseling field, but they are also available for the curious layperson who may like to pick up a few psychological skills. 

Screenshot of the HistoryMakers database, access granted by the University of North Texas. Search bar is located on upper-middle-left side of screen. Accessed from


The HistoryMakers Digital Archive functions as both a cataloged site of interviews and a source of biographic information covering thousands of African Americans from a wide variety of life circumstances. A user can search via category if interested in reading about and listening to interviews with people under a certain topical interest, such as historical values (food, neighborhood), biographical themes (spirituality, hopes and dreams, personal identity), and interview qualities (passion, type of narrative). A user can select any and as many of these filters as they desire in order to curate the best viewing experience for themselves. The interviews are cut into under-five-minute segments, easy to watch in quick bursts. This website stands as a monument to Black history and identity for a people whose voices have historically and systemically been silenced; HistoryMakers is rich with powerful and moving personal experiences. 

Screenshot of 60 Minutes: 1997-2014 database. UNT seal in top-left corner. Search bar on the top-right side. Accessed from


Access 60 Minutes: 1997-2014 to immerse yourself in a brief historical news section. These saved recording clips are quick and easy to jump in and out of for the aspiring journalist or other curious viewer. For a more in-depth look at a piece of history, whether it is a startling spring storm in Japan from 2011 or a striking interview with an everyday person, 60 Minutes contains troves of fact-backed news segments to learn from. Keep in mind that the specific time period UNT has access to is between 1997 and 2014, so you will not find very recent information here, but it is great for a jump to the relative past. 

There’s lots more to uncover when you delve through the video databases of UNT Libraries. Search for topics of your own interest and learn to your heart’s content with the resources provided by your tuition. If you encounter any further questions while perusing the databases or come up with another query entirely, don’t hesitate to Ask Us about it! 

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Written by: Zoë (Abbie) Teel 

Interior of Bookstore: corner shelf of books.
Interior of a Bookstore by Sena Kazak and licensed under Pexels

Academic libraries have been a target of the national book ban crisis. There has been a proliferation of books that have been subjected to censorship in the last few years, especially books that deal with imperative topics such as gender identity, race, abortion, and sexuality. Books authored by individuals who are BIPOC (black, Indigenous, and people of color) are heavily under attack and face unfair, unjust scrutiny. Particularly, in the state of Texas, school libraries have faced many challenges regarding the works within their institutions: “Texas banned more books from school libraries this past year than any other state in the nation, targeting titles centering on race, racism, abortion, and LGBTQ representation and issues, according to a new analysis by PEN America, a nonprofit organization advocating for free speech” (Lopez, 2022). 

So, what is the big deal? Students are losing access to literature that grapples with topics they may be struggling with in their own lives. Having a piece of literature that allows students to explore and navigate the thoughts, feelings, and emotions they are experiencing, through characters and authors, gives them comfort and a safe space. Libraries are supposed to be the home of information; a place that demolishes barriers and welcomes knowledge. Academic libraries are the embodiment of intellectual freedom. Questioning why things are the way they are is at the heart of education. 

Books face removal because they are considered potentially dangerous by individuals who feel a misguided sense of moral obligation, as we have seen especially here in Texas. However, lawmakers seem to disagree. “[Rep. Matt] Krause, a member of the hardline conservative Texas House Freedom Caucus who is also running for state attorney general, included in his inquiry a roughly 850-book list that included novels about racism and sexuality and asked the districts to identify which of those books were available on school campuses” (Pollock, 2021). It is important to note, that many of the lawmakers who are trying to restrict access to books, and moreover, restrict freedom of thought, have never worked with the education system or academia. 

The American Library Association released the “Top 10 Most Challenged Books of 2021.” These ten titles “are only a snapshot of book challenges,” meaning that these are only a handful of the works that the Office for Intellectual Freedom have deemed “the most challenged.” (ALA, 2021). According to the ALA (2021), these titles included: 

UNT Libraries has made it a priority to not shy away from titles that are challenged. Having each of these ten titles in the catalog demonstrates that academic libraries, like UNT, are making a stand for books. By having these books in UNT Libraries’ collections allows the precedent to be set that student’s rights are important, and censorship does not belong in the library space. 

The University of North Texas celebrates the freedom to read. Each year, the American Library Association holds “Banned Book Week,” which UNT Libraries has participated in hosting. UNT Libraries has a Banned Book Guide, which explores what Banned Book Week is and its history. It also offers trivia and videos about the most challenged books and why they are challenged. 

Conclusively, it is obvious that representation matters. Representation that is found within the stories of books promotes learning, inclusivity, and growth. Consider checking out a banned, or censored, book from UNT Libraries. 


American Library Association. (2013). Top 10 Most Challenged Books Lists. Advocacy, Legislation & Issues. 

Lopez, B. (2022). Texas has banned more books than any other state. The Texas Tribune; The Texas Tribune. 

‌Pollock, C. (2021). Greg Abbott tells state agencies to block books with “overly sexual” content.The Texas Tribune; The Texas Tribune.,other%20includes%20depictions%20of%20sex

Posted by & filed under Events, Library Resources, Research Help.

Written by Valerie Cummins

It is a new semester, and with it comes a new season of events held at the UNT Libraries. This is not an exhaustive list- the libraries add new events to its calendar on a regular basis- but the following are events which may be of particular interest to graduate students here at UNT. 

The Eagle Thesis & Dissertation Boot Camp is continuing this semester; these boot camps are intended to be distraction-free and provide uninterrupted writing time for students working on their thesis or dissertation. Later boot camps scheduled for this semester will be held on March 31st from 8:00AM to 6PM and a third one on May 3 from 8:00AM to 6PM. The boot camp is held Willis 250H.  

The Libraries are continuing our Family Study Hour events; the Family Study Hour events are intended to provide students who have families the opportunity to have direct research and resource assistance and the ability to focus on their studies their children use our new family kits, kid-sized bean bags, and kid-sized desks. The remaining Family Study Hours for the semester will be held in Willis 250H on March 25 at 9:30AM and then April 26 at 2PM.  

The Access Services department GSAs has two Spring semester workshops; the first on March 2nd was Google Like a Scholar, where workshop participants learned how to effectively use Google and Google Scholar for more effective searches for not just research but everyday usage.  If you are interested in the PowerPoint or Zoom recording for Google Like a Scholar, reach out to to request a copy. The second workshop, Know Your News, will run on March 23rd, from 2:00PM to 3:00PM. This workshop is intended to teach participants how to recognize what information resources are reliable and which ones are suspect and provide strategies on recognizing bias and how to think critically about news and information sources.  

The UNT Libraries will be hosting several events for Campus Pride Week, which runs from March 27 to March 31st. Tabling will be held inside Willis Library’s first floor lobby on Monday from 11AM to 1PM. On Tuesday, a Queers and Allies Zine Making workshop will be held from 2PM to 4PM in Willis 250H. On Wednesday, there will be multiple events: “But I’m a Cheerleader” will be screened at the Media Library in Chilton Hall from 12PM to 1:30PM. In Willis Library the Queer it Yourself! Button Making @ the Spark event will be held from 2PM to 4PM on the first floor by the Spark desk. LGBTQ+ Bingo will be held from 6PM to 7PM both in person in Willis 250H and online. On Thursday, Sycamore Library will have Pride Storytime from 4PM to 5PM.  

Two library workers tabling outside Wills Library.
[Two Willis Library employees] by Anna Esparza from the UNT Digital Library.

As a different activity that will be held the same week as Campus Pride Week, Willis Library’s Access Services is planning to host a Make Your own Bookmark event on March 28th, from 12-2PM on the Library Mall outside of Willis Library, weather permitting. During this event, participants are welcome to create their own bookmarks for personal use and can ask any questions they might have about various library services.  

On the 14th of April, the UNT Libraries will be sponsoring the 2023 Open Access Symposium with the Texas State University Libraries. This is an all-day virtual event, from 9AM to 4PM, with a focus on new federal initiatives that support Open Science and public access to research that is federally funded. It will include an afternoon panel of faculty who create and use Open Educational Resources or open textbook in their courses. 

On April 18th, the UNT Libraries will be hosting its own student symposium: the Student Snapshots Library Conference. This will be in Willis Library in 250H. The student symposium will feature and showcase services, technologies, projects, and unique resources in different UNT Library departments that student workers have worked on and will present on in a variety of formats. This is not just a unique opportunity for student workers to present in, but for graduate students and students interested in graduate school to attend and explore to learn not just about library resources and what the library does, but also gain experience in how symposiums are ran and what they look like.  

Finally, there are the Spark workshops. The Spark has its own various workshops that cover different technological resources and software available through the Spark, UNT’s computer labs as well as free online resources; their main workshop series for Spring 2023 is Creating Comics, and as of the writing of this blog post they have a variety of introductory courses for March scheduled at Discovery Park, Willis Library, and Frisco Landing.  

Did this blog help you learn about events and workshops you might be interested in at the library for Spring 2023? Let us know in the comments! Please contact AskUs if you have questions about library services and events. 


The Spark. (n.d.). The Spark: Spark Events. Guides at University of North Texas. Retrieved February 13, 2023, from 

UNT Libraries. (n.d.). UNT Libraries Calendar. Calendar. Retrieved February 13, 2023, from 

Posted by & filed under Library Resources.

Written By: Abby Stovall

A person using a laptop with books beside them.
Stacks of Books Beside a Man Typing on Laptop by Tima Miroshnichenko licensed under Pexels.

Writing a thesis or dissertation can seem like a daunting task. Regardless of your area of study, taking on a major project can feel overwhelming and intense. However, UNT Libraries has a variety of resources graduate students can use when writing these papers.


If you are wondering where to even start, UNT Libraries has a thesis and dissertation LibGuide available for students to reference. This guide serves as an introduction to theses and dissertations and can connect you to library and on campus resources that can be of assistance. In addition, there are also guides related to finding tests and assessments to support your research. UNT Libraries has a multitude of articles, databases, and books where these assessments can be found, and the guides help to navigate these resources and find what you are looking for.  

Knowing what library resources are related to your academic field can also help set you up to be successful. UNT Libraries provides LibGuides for different fields of study to help you navigate the variety of resources found in the catalog. Not only do these guides pertain to specific courses, but they also include relevant information related to academic sub-fields that can advance your research. Within each guide, you can find different kinds of content and formats of materials. 

Finding Theses & Dissertations 

UNT Libraries also enables access to online collections of theses and dissertations. One of these includes the UNT Theses and Dissertations Collection through the UNT Digital Library. This collection has a variety of publications created by UNT students and currently sits at nearly 21,000 items. You can search this collection by time period, area of the world, degree discipline, and academic department. This can help you get connected to student research within your field, and help you identify research gaps.  

Similarly, ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global has millions of publications, with the oldest in their collection being dated 1637. This database can expand your access to available research coming from graduate students across the globe. 

Know Your Subject Librarian 

Subject librarians are experts in their field and have extensive knowledge pertaining to what resources the library has for their academic department. In addition, subject librarians are here to meet with you to discuss your research options and answer any questions you may have about your studies. UNT Libraries provides a directory for subject librarians, and you can search for them by your college or department. They are always here to help, so never hesitate to connect with yours! 

UNT Libraries has many resources pertaining to writing and conducting research and is here to help you be successful. If you have any research questions for your thesis or dissertation, please contact AskUs or your subject librarian


Barham, R. (2023, February 10). Dissertations and theses. UNT Libraries.

ProQuest. (n.d.). ProQuest dissertations and theses global. 

Rowe, J. (2022, September 1). Tests, measures, and assessments. UNT Libraries.  

UNT Libraries. (n.d.). Subject librarians. 

UNT Libraries. (2023, February 4). Subject guides and course guides: Directory.

Posted by & filed under Knowledge Resources.

Written By: Arthi Reddy Annadi 

Being a student, one has needs to pursue knowledge at greater depth and in all aspects. They are owed to utilize benefits and resources provided by their college. Taking advantage of the resources given can help students become successful. Students currently enrolled in the University of North Texas have free access to many knowledge resources you might not be aware of. These knowledge resources can be extremely beneficial if you are looking to develop your skills and knowledge base in various domains of your interest ranging from professional and technical skills on demand to personality development skills. Below is the list of free knowledge resources.  


The Wall Street Journal (WSJ): The Wall Street Journal is an American business-focused international newspaper based in New York. WSJ is a leading source of information and news in business, economics, and finance known for providing facts, data, and information (The WSJ, 2021). As a UNT student, you are eligible for a one-year free online subscription. Use your free subscription to keep yourself updated with market trends, curated articles, podcasts, and news. Along with unlimited free access to, students can utilize the  Student Hub a place to find students’ content on professional development, personal finance, and work-life balance (Wall Street Journal – Career Development Resources, 2022).  

Daily News Papers.
Daily News Papers by faungg’s photos and Flickr licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0.

The New York Times: The American daily newspaper based in New York City is a dedicated resource for people to understand the world through deep and expertized independent journalism (NYTCO, 2022). UNT students can create a free account for New York Times using their UNT email address to view the daily articles online through their basic subscription. 


LinkedIn Learning: LinkedIn Learning offers numerous instructional videos covering topics such as business, technology, and creative skills (LinkedIn learning, 2022). Each course duration typically ranges from a few minutes to hours. A professional certificate will be received from LinkedIn Learning after completing the course. The professional certificates can then be added to your LinkedIn profile to show your qualifications to potential employers. Create your account using your UNT student email address to get started with the learning. 

Girl working on a notebook at home.
Girl working on a notebook at home by Nenad Stojkovic and Flickr licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Coursera MOOC: UNT has partnered with Coursera, one of the leading online platforms for higher education (dmw0285, 2022). Through this partnership, students can take a wide variety of noncredit massive open online courses (MOOCs), specializations, and degree programs. This opportunity helps you to develop skills and earn certificates that you can add to your professional profiles such as LinkedIn. Create a free Coursera MOOC account using your student email address to get started.  

Coursera Career Academy: UNT, Google, and Coursera have teamed up to launch Career Academy, which offers a wide range of professional certification programs from companies including Google, IBM, and Meta (dmw0285, 2022). All UNT students, staff, and faculty are welcome to participate in this program. These specialized programs are self-paced. If you want to enhance your resume and earn credit from top industry programs, take advantage of this opportunity.  


There are many ways to access textbooks for free on the internet. Some of which include Course reserves from UNT Libraries, Haithi Trust, Google books, Open Library, Project Gutenberg, and Interlibrary Loan (Madison, 2021). You can find more information on legal way of accessing the free textbooks at   


Amazon Prime: For the first six months, Amazon Prime offers two-day free shipping and later at a large discount when you sign up as a Prime student. Amazon Prime Student membership includes access to over 500,000 free eBooks (Amazon Prime Student, 2022).  

LinkedIn Premium: The first six months of LinkedIn Premium membership is free with the Student Prime Membership (Amazon Prime Student, 2022). Later, you can continue receiving services at a large discount. Having a LinkedIn Premium account allows one to connect and network with the top recruiters and people of other interests, one can get the advantage of personally reaching out to the members in their network for professional endeavors. 

Jobscan: The process of revising a resume for every job application is crucial. Resume scanners provide a quick and effortless way to do so. You can revise your resume according to the job description by using Jobscan. Students can use the regular version of this website for free up to a certain limit of revisions.



Amazon. (n.d.).

Brents, M. (2022, January 31). 6(Legal) Ways to Find Free Textbooks. Scholar Speak. 

dmw0285. (2022, November 14). Coursera MOOC. UNT Online.  

Dow Jones & Company. (2021, October 22). WSJ Students. The Wall Street Journal.  

LinkedIn Learning. (n.d.).

The New York Times Company. (n.d.). The NYTCO.

University of North Texas Career Center. (2022, February 22). Wall Street Journal – Career development resources. 
